Armed Forces award boost for St Athan school

VOG Council

An Armed Forces award for St Athan Primary School is being described as a 'welcome boost' following a recent fire.

SSCE Cymru has given gold status to the school for its work in supporting service children, their families and the wider armed forces community.

St Athan Primary had already achieved bronze and silver status as an 'Armed Forces Friendly School'.

Most recently, it's been helping Afghan families who assisted British troops in their homeland while they stay in temporary accommodation at the nearby MoD base.

Cllr Eddie Williams, Armed Forces Champion at Vale of Glamorgan Council, said: "I'd like to congratulate St Athan Primary school for the level of commitment it has shown to gain this award, particularly the kind way people from Afghanistan have been welcomed and supported."

"This and other work not only helps service children but also links the school more closely with the Armed Forces element of the community."

"I hope this announcement provides all connected with the school a welcome boost as life gets back to normal following the fire."

To achieve Gold status, schools must complete at 80% of activities on their checklist, including celebrating the 'Month of the Military Child' (April), creating opportunities for service children to share their experiences and using the 'Thriving Lives' toolkit, from the Service Children's Progression Alliance.

As well as working with the Ministry of Defence to support parents and children from Afghanistan, the school has been working with the council's Learning Links team to developing a policy for service children.

A 'Little Troopers' group has been set up for service children, which recently organised activities with other pupils to celebrate Armed Forces Day.

Cllr Eddie Williams added: "This council has a long history of welcoming children of service personnel to our schools."

"There are currently 315 pupils from this background being taught in the county and they make up 16.5 per cent of children at St Athan Primary."

"We have renewed our Armed Forces Covenant, a voluntary pledge that organisations take to demonstrate their support for the military community. Its principles ensure that those who serve, or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly and with respect."

"A dedicated council officer is employed to operate the authority's Veteran's Advice Service, providing free and impartial information, advice and support to members of the Armed Forces community within the Vale. The council also has a Gold Defence Employer Recognition Award (ERS), reflecting its work in this area."

Classes at St Athan Primary resumed shortly after the half term break following the fire on February 12th, which left one wing of the building badly gutted.

240 pupils, staff and contractors were safely evacuated from the site with no reports of injuries.

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service told Bro Radio News that the fire was started accidentally.

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