Health Board implements No Visiting Policy following Norovirus Outbreak

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is implementing a No Visiting Policy due to a Norovirus Outbreak across its sites.

The health board made the announcement on Friday 21st March, stating "it's not a decision that we have taken lightly"

Over the last week, the Health Board says it has seen a significant increase in Norovirus cases across its hospital sites, with the outbreak resulting in a series of bed closures, all of which have caused exceptional pressure on the system.

In a statement, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board said "We recognise the importance of support from family and friend when patients are in hospital. However, to help us protect our patients, staff and visitors and reduce the spread of the virus, we are closing the Health Board to all general visiting."

"Exceptions will be considered, particularly for those patients who are critically ill, receiving end-of-life care, birth partners and the Childrens Hospital for Wales. We will review these restrictions next week if the situation has improved."

"Visitors who meet our visiting criteria will be expected to maintain good hygiene practice by washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water, using hand sanitising gels to prevent infection and adhering to Infection Prevention and Control precautions."


The policy relates to general visiting of patients and does not affect outpatient appointments. If patients have appointments with the Health Board, these will be going ahead unless you are contacted by the department directly to explain otherwise.

Anyone feeling unwell is asked to remain at home until you have been clear of symptoms for at least 48 hours.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board says most Norovirus cases can be managed at home with rest, fluids and self-care and symptoms typically improve within 2 to 3 days.

If you are unsure of your symptoms, you can check them using the NHS 111 Wales online symptom checker, which has a wealth of information, advice and guidance for a range of different conditions. 

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