New Cardiff Bay flats a step closer

Powell Dobson

Plans to develop a new block of flats in Cardiff Bay are about to take another step forward.

The city council’s planning committee granted outline planning permission in 2022 for the redevelopment and extension of the Channel View estate in Grangetown for up to 319 apartments and houses.

The council has decided the demolition of three properties on Channel View Road can go ahead in order to pave the way for construction of phase one of the development.

A council document published recently states the demolition of 227-231 Channel View Road is expected to commence on 7th April.

Last June, Cardiff Council approved plans to amend the design of an apartment block in phase one so that it could meet fire regulations.

The first phase of the scheme will be made up of two blocks providing independent living flats for people aged over 50.

It will also include a community cafe and communal gardens incorporating allotments and picnic areas.

Approval of the amended plans means block B will be six storeys high instead of eight and its make up will change slightly so  it will no longer include what it called green walls.

These consist of plants and aim to improve energy efficiency, promote biodiversity and improve air quality, among other things.

A council planning report on the application which was approved last year states: "The application is seeking to make these amendments due to new emerging guidance on building regulations…being released, specifically referring to tall buildings post the Grenfell Tower disaster."

“The approved designs will not meet these new regulations, so a redesign exercise has been carried out. The green walls have been omitted as they cannot achieve fire regulation compliance.”

Although the changes mean block B will be shorter and reoriented, the number of units being provided will remain at 24, as stated in the original plan.

The council document published this month on proposals to demolish buildings on Channel View Road states an amendment to the design of block A of phase one was also approved last year.

This will involve increasing the number of apartments from 57 to 102.

Cardiff Council’s wider plans to redevelop Channel View will eventually see 180 existing properties on the estate replaced. On top of the housing element, there are plans for the site to eventually include 285sqm of retail floorspace.

The Marl will also be regenerated to include new sports pitches, a children’s play space, a new beach, water features, footpaths and cycle paths.

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