Ellie takes charge of Islanders

Jo Eveleigh, right, and Ellie Carbis with the Islanders at Saturday’s presentation evening. Pic: Judith Dutton

Ellie Carbis is the new girls’ lead at Barry RFC. She has taken over as head of the Islanders section from Jo Eveleigh, who has stepped down to take on other responsibilities at the club.

Ellie joined the club when daughter Lexi (14), now in her third year, took up the sport.

“My son joined first,” said Ellie, “and my daughter quit basketball then because she seen the girls enjoying themselves."

“She had a trial and loved it, and just under a year later Jo asked me to help. She’s very busy with other roles at the club, so two years down the line I’m the lead. I’ve always watched, always enjoyed rugby, and I love it."

“I had some training from Jo on the admin side of things. I leave the coaching to the coaches, and I look after the background work.”

The Islanders have 80 registered players in various age groups. “It’s a great grassroots club, and they are a great bunch of girls,” said Ellie.

“We are hoping, with the groups we’ve now got going through, we will have a senior team (Ladies) in the next couple of seasons.”

But even with 80 registered players, the club is on the lookout for more, aged from six to 18.

Training sessions are run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the club 6-7pm. “We are always looking for new players, with or without experience,” said Ellie.

For more information on the Islanders section, e-mail Ellie at Islanders.barryrfc@gmail.com or call 07496 391 238.

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