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Local News for the Vale

Barry Waterfront row steps up

By Gareth Joy | Updated Monday 18th September 2023 11:07am |  Follow us @broradio



Barry Waterfront residents are being invited to a public meeting amid a row between Vale Council and a group of developers.

It follows the local authority's decision to consider action against the Waterfront Consortium, who have been accused of breaking promises and a lack of progress in delivering community facilities.

New properties continue to be built at the site, but other elements like green spaces, parks and footpaths are yet to be created, whilst roads remain in a partially completed state.

The consortium, which consists of Persimmon Homes, Taylor Wimpey and Barratt Homes, says it's begun a "detailed programme of works" at the site, after meeting with the council's leader and chief executive in June.

But the council says it wants to work with the community to "increase pressure" on the three developers to deliver all elements of the Waterfront development, which received planning permission in 2012.

A Vale Council spokesperson said: "The council has previously had to take action against the Waterfront Consortium to ensure a complex of shops, bars and restaurants known as the district centre was built, while the new St Baruc school was completed only after the council threatened legal action."

"The consortium continues to provide excuses for the lack of progress on delivering long-awaited community facilities."

Senior council officers have organised the meeting, being held at the Academy Espresso Bar on Monday afternoon from 4.30pm to 6pm.

They want to hear from Waterfront residents about their experiences of living in the area and their dealings with the group of developers involved.

Council leader Lis Burnett said: "I'm committed to engaging with residents to learn about their experiences. As a council, we strive to build strong communities and the Consortium is failing to build anything but homes that it can profit from."

"As a council, we will do everything in our power to hold developers to account and make sure they honour their commitments. I look forward to meeting the Barry Waterfront community and taking action together."

In a statement given to the Local Democracy Reporting Service earlier this month, a spokesperson for the Barry Waterfront Consortium said: “We understand and appreciate the frustration expressed by the Vale of Glamorgan Council and local residents regarding the community facilities at the Barry Waterfront development.”

“We can confirm that the consortium met with the leader and chief executive of the Vale of Glamorgan Council at the end of June to discuss the outstanding areas and reassure them of our commitment to deliver these facilities as quickly as possible.”

“We have since devised and commenced a detailed programme of works, which has been shared with the Vale of Glamorgan Council.”

“We will continue to work alongside the council to complete these facilities and the Barry Waterfront regeneration project to the highest standard.”

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